
A Journey in Progress

We’re leaving suburban life to become rural homesteaders and start a farm.


Life seems good now, and we think it can be better. The food system is riddled with problems, and American lifestyle consists largely of consumption. We desire a lifestyle that produces high quality food and adds back to our community.

As we try to figure out this journey, we want to share the story with you. So many people on YouTube have inspired us, so we thought our story might be inspiring to others. If not, it should still be entertaining.

“We’re a nation with an eating disorder, and we know it. The multiple maladies caused by bad eating are taking a dire toll on our health–most tragically for our kids, who are predicted to be this country’s first generation to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. That alone is a stunning enough fact to give us pause. So is a government policy that advises us to eat more fruits and vegetables, while doling out subsidies not to fruit and vegetable farmers, but to commodity crops destined to become soda pop and cheap burgers. ”

Barbara Kingsolver, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life